Death Of The Official – The Paperback Cover…

Death Of The Official – The Paperback Cover…

The last couple of weeks I have been preparing the formatted files and graphics of the latest book release for upload to the Amazon kindle store.

This time I’ve decided to do a simultaneous paperback release as well. As an independent author I pretty much do everything from the writing through to preparing the artwork. I could outsource most of this (apart from the writing of course!) but I’m a bit of a control freak and I like learning new skills as well.

I’ve really struggled with the paperback cover. Amazon has exacting criteria in terms of positioning all the cover graphics (so when its printed it actually looks correct and the text doesn’t get chopped off in the printing process). Anyway, the job is finally done now and I think it looks ok (see image above)

As I type this, I’m waiting for the proof copies of the paperback to come back from Amazon KDP.

Now to be honest, paperback sales are a fraction of eBook sales on Amazon but I think it’s nice to actually have a physical product as well. Some people will always prefer a real book over an eBook so why not cater for everybody if I can.