A Medieval Christmas

A Medieval Christmas The church, which dominated so many aspects of medieval life, ensured that Christmas was a true religious holiday and a highlight of the calendar. It was the longest holiday of the year, twelve days, lasting from the night of Christmas Eve, the 24th of December, to the Twelfth Day, Epiphany, on the […]

The Gongfermor – Dealing with Medieval Sh*t!

The Gongfermor – Dealing with Medieval Sh*t! (Trying a medieval “garderobe” for size at Lamphey Bishop’s Palace, purely for purposes of research you understand!) Towards the end of the 14th Century, London with a population of around 30,000 defecating souls, had only 16 public latrines, known as “houses of easement”. However, many private latrines (privies) […]